No better place in the universe to dump and forget your worst trash and junk than the ball of rock known as Belech IV, the only world not covered in 5000 degree lava flows orbiting the twin red giants Bel and Ech. No better place to host the tournament either, or so figured Liandi location scouts. Nobody cared, as long as everyone could continue to dump, at the lowest bid, there whatever offal, be it illegal, radioactive or tachyon saturated, they had. Liandri bought properties at next to no price on the planet, under condition private parties could continue to transport undisirable refuse without respecting the tournament perimeter rules. Only the most reckless or stupid teams the Junkyard.

Huge heaps of trash linger on the surface of the planet, eternally baking under the twin suns. Eventually planetwide crushers come in to compress a new layer of trash and cover it in three meters of perma-crete.

Poor Junkbots. Constantly ferrying trash from one impatient offloader to another overfilled junk pile. Doesn't help when a power play triggers a Necris tentacle to slice it in an ion beam.

Single pieces of junk aren't the only refuse left on this rock. Entire failed subway systems have been deposited, though this one's all but collapsed under later trash.

The Junkyard after several power plays have ruined it beyond the state it was already in. War rages on.